Friday, September 23, 2011

Vent. Rated PG-13 for Strong Language

I'd apologize for not
tip toeing around you
but I'm sick of these eggshells
sick of being around you

I can't play nice anymore
I can't see straight anymore
you're the one with the problem
I've got nothing to be sorry for

I can't handle the way
you can't handle your life
I don't want to hear your whining
or deal with the strife

I can't shut my mouth
I hate you and I see
The feeling is mutual
You don't care about me

It's been a long road
I'm sick of being the sideshow
There's no saying when you'll stop
Every day is a new low

I'm sick of all your lies
the way you make people turn
I'm sick of picking up pieces
and mending the bridges you burn

I can't hold it all inside
the fire it rages
I can no longer leave my feelings
all locked up in cages

I don't care if the world knows
I'll scream it and shout it
I can't take it anymore
I'm so sick of your bullshit

You live in a world
you think revolves around you
you think you're surrounded by friends
you know you lie to them too

I'm done playing your games
consider me checked out
I'm done watching you complain
sick of watching you pout

I don't believe a word you say
all you do is manipulate
my fuse is too short
and I am filled up with hate

It's time to come clean
time to deal with reality
time to show your true colors
and stop the act of fragility

You've got balls behind my back
So why don't you grow a pair now
Let's do this like adults
I'd be glad to show you how

It's time to grow up
The act is no longer cute
Don't even try explaining
Your point is nothing but moot

I'm done with dealing with this
done stressing out too
Tonight is the night
I forget about you

There's no salvaging this
There's no making the peace
There's no going back
There's no tamin' this beast

My life's supposed to be about me
my thoughts and my needs
not making sure your ass
is continually pleased

Those who know the truth
can't judge me when I leave
Can't judge me when I say
there's nothing left to believe

I don't care if you suffer
Could care less if you burn
You brought this on yourself
You never cared who you hurt

In the end it comes down to
one small pathetic fact
The only one you burned was you
You're taking the impact

How do you sleep
at the end of your days
staring up at the ceiling
knowing you're two faced

You can lie to the world
Convince them of everything
Just remember in the end
They won't trust you with anything

You can stand here and fight
or do what you do best and run
It doesn't matter to me
'Cause I'm officially done.

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